रविवार, 14 सितंबर 2014

Vibrations emitted by bread and chapati - Study through scientific instruments - Spiritual Research

Start eating Wheat Chapati instead of Bread !

Bread is classified under modern diet. Since it made of fine flour, it is difficult to digest and also lacks in vitamins. Since bread is not easily digestible, it forms a sticky lump and then ferments inside the body. If it remains for a longer period in the stomach, we can suffer from various ailments; for example, heaviness in the stomach, stomachache, constipation, reduction in digestive power etc. Conversely, since chapatis are made of wheat flour, they are easy to digest and are enriched in vitamins. They nurture the body well. - 

See more at: http://www.sanatan.org/en/a/263.html#sthash.ruj9zfl1.dpuf

Vibrations emitted by bread and chapati - Study through scientific instruments - Spiritual Research

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